Ordering of individual products

All customers who already know our old software, this possibility is new. With this generation you can buy your orders directly into our software. This path is the easiest and fastest for you. You can start playing some products immediately after buying them.

You will always be shown the products that are currently relevant for you. The order shop is easy to reach. You call the menu command "Place orders ..." in the menu "Register., ...":

When calling for the first time, it is automatically checked whether you have already entered an address, if not, you must do so and then you come to the following window:

Let's explain the individual columns in more detail:

First, the individual products are displayed.

License: Specification of how many licenses you receive when purchasing. If this is a "2" then the product can be used on 2 computers at the same time.

Type: Whether it is a subscription or a purchase product. When you buy, you will receive all updates for free for 1 year.

Immediately: With "Yes" you can immediately use the scope of services after purchase. With "No", the scope is only available after receipt of payment.

In the basket: Here you can see the number of products in your shopping basket.

Your Price: In this column your price is shown, because you have to pay. For example, if you put 2 one-year subscriptions in your shopping basket, you will get a discount. So it can happen that "their price" is reduced. In the "Price" column is always ner normal price.

Basically, the order process is very simple. You simply select the purchase product. Below the table you will see the product name.

If you need more licenses, then simply select "with additional licenses" and increase the number.

After that you clicked "into the shopping basket". When done, read the explanation, hack, and then click "Buy It Now". After that you will be guided on and only have to follow the instructions.

Support:  New Account                  Lessons 


                Unlock Product 

      Error list:        MacOS    Win10    iOS  


Products: Skat Premium          Doppelkopf Premium             Schafkopf Premium

                 Skat 10 / 10 Pro     Doppelkopf 10 / 10 Pro          Schafkopf 10 / 10 Pro

                 Quick Skat 5            Quick Doppelkopf 5,             Quick Schafkopf 5

                                                  Doppelkopf Lehrgänge 

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