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Rasche`s Skat 10

Like Rasche`s Skat 8, this product is a compromise between price and skill. It is aimed at buyers who do not need opponents playing at the highest level.

Scope of functions:

Rasche`s Skat 10 Pro

At the request of many of our customers, we have released this purchase product, which is between Skat 10 and our premium abc subscription. In "10 Pro" you will find the functions that are no longer the focus of further development. You can find the most powerful version in our premium product. 

Function expansion:

Welcome to Rasche`s Kartenspiele 4

A new age begins

Support:  New Account                  Lessons 


                Unlock Product 

      Error list:        MacOS    Win10    iOS  


Products: Skat Premium          Doppelkopf Premium             Schafkopf Premium

                 Skat 10 / 10 Pro     Doppelkopf 10 / 10 Pro          Schafkopf 10 / 10 Pro

                 Quick Skat 5            Quick Doppelkopf 5,             Quick Schafkopf 5

                                                  Doppelkopf Lehrgänge 

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