This function is only available to all premium customers. It is currently still in beta status, i.e. errors may occur.
What is behind this new function?
Until now, all game settings, result lists are stored directly on a computer on which you play. If you also log in on another computer, then your personal settings and your own list of results are not available there.
This is where the Rasch cloud comes in. In the current state, all settings (rules of the game, display settings,...) and also the entire list of results are stored centrally on my registration server. If you switch to another or a new computer to play, then all game settings and the result list are automatically transferred. You have to do nothing, you can continue playing immediately as if you were on the other computer.
You can switch this possibility (option) on and off in the settings menu. It is best to call up the following dialog:
After you open the "Settings..." -> "Display..." menu, you can click on the "Network" tab in the window that appears.
As soon as you select "Server in Germany" and click OK, the cloud option is switched on.
Note: This feature is currently in beta. If there are any problems, please contact me directly.
Products: Skat Premium Doppelkopf Premium Schafkopf Premium
Skat 10 / 10 Pro Doppelkopf 10 / 10 Pro Schafkopf 10 / 10 Pro
Quick Skat 5 Quick Doppelkopf 5, Quick Schafkopf 5
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